Advanced Body Scanning
Our chairs use state-of-the art scanning technology to read and measure your body at every use. This intelligent innovation allows for a customised massage experience to perfectly suit your body shape and height. By tailoring the massage to your dimensions, you will experience the most relaxing neck and back massage for longer lasting results.
10 AI Programs
10 professionally designed programs that provide you with a therapeutic massage for your entire body, you are guaranteed long-lasting relief after each and every session with this SoothMe chair. Each program uses individual techniques to benefit different parts of the body. Combined, the 10 programs perform a more comprehensive massage experience than your average therapeutic chair.
6 Combined Massage Techniques
Enjoy 6 of the most effective massage techniques, including kneading, shiatsu, knocking, tapping, knead-knocking and rolling. This massage chair applies pressure using strategically placed air cells to key healing points, while stretching the muscles throughout your body, leading to a massage that is more methodical in its performance and effective overall.
Zero Gravity Air Massage
Using technology developed by NASA scientists, you can now enjoy a weightless massage experience in a comfortable reclined position in the comfort of your own home. This high-tech feature will help reduce pressure on your neck, helps with increased lung expansion and enhance blood circulation to your heart and helps improve oxygen flow to your muscles.
Extendable Leg Rest
Extended SL Track For Full Coverage
Built with a unique extended roller track and massaging quad rollers that travel from your neck down to your hamstrings, a comprehensive soothing massage in the SoothMe chair allows for better freedom of movement in your lower half, while focussing on your back, hip and leg pain for targeted relief.
Advanced Body Rollers
Adjust your massage intensity with 3 massage widths that hone in on your pain points, 3 massage intensities for better control, and 3 speeds to suit your needs. Activate your preferred setting using the compact LCD touch screen controller and enjoy your deep tissue massage or slow and soothing massage for the ultimate remedial effect.
Dual Action Foot Rollers
Dual Action Foot Rollers With dual action foot rollers, you can enjoy a soothing foot massage using traditional foot reflexology techniques that alternate with inflating air cushions to compress and move your feet throughout the rejuvenation process. Our advanced rollers will improve circulation, foot pain, reduce fluid retention, eliminate toxins and stimulate nerve function.
S-Shape Massage Guide
Four Wheels Massage Mechanism
Heat Therapy
Feel the relief as your muscles ease their tension with a luxury heated massage. The Soothme chair performs a soothing massage with back rollers that travel from your neck right down to your buttocks. Enjoy the comfort of a warm massage all-year round.
Airbag Technology
Bluetooth For Music
Play the tunes that relax you most with a Bluetooth connection that offers crisp, high-quality sound through quality speakers. Match your music with your massage using modern technology that allows for the synchronicity of massage techniques that work to the beat of your music.
Kneading Massage
LCD Touch
Screen Controller Removable LCD touchscreen controller in the right-hand arm of your chair that folds out and stands up for easy use.
Removable Pillow/Cushion
Colour Options
Choice of 2 colour designs: Dusty blue & white with rose-gold, Red and white and grey sides with rose gold feature,. This design is made with high quality upholstered faux leather, featuring padding in the seat, and a easy-to-wash removable cushion for maximum hygiene.